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Natural Perfume Wheel

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Workbooks, Oil Kit & Natural Perfume Wheel

Slow Scent® Natural Perfume Primary Workbook
Over the last 25 years of teaching hundreds of students, I have developed a protocol for learning how to create beautiful natural perfumes. The initial portion of this learning is done independently at home, using the Natural Perfume Workbook to incrementally build your knowledge and skills, working with a set of 18 foundational natural essences in the Natural Perfume Oil Kit, blending up to 6 essences at a time in oil, which is sufficient for fragrancing body-care products and basic solid perfumes.

The Natural Perfume Workbook gives you the necessary perfumery vocabulary, the basics of relative intensity, the very important aspects of construction, and a deep understanding of what makes a top note, a middle note, or a base note. You will learn about the textures, smells, and intensities that differentiate these notes. The exercises in this workbook introduce various families of scents, familiarize you with the blending capacities of similar essences, and refine your ability to distinguish between essences within each family. After learning the fundamental building blocks of creating natural perfume on your own in the Slow Scent® Natural Perfume Workbook, you can choose to study in the live class that I teach on Zoom.

Slow Scent® Olfactory Training Workbook
The exercises in this workbook educate your nose to make distinctions between essences that are in the same scent family, as you work your way through each section of the Aftelier Natural Perfume Wheel. You familiarize yourself with the different blending capacities of essences that are similar to one another. This training will help you develop your capacity to make more precise and aesthetically pleasing choices about which essences to include when you are creating a formula. You can do this workbook at any time, whether or not you are attending my live class on Zoom. There is no oil kit for this Olfactory Training Workbook.

Aftelier Natural Perfume Wheel©
Each of the workbooks includes the Aftelier Natural Perfume Wheel©. Natural essences are grouped in families that have scents in common with one another. This makes it easy to expand your knowledge of natural essences. The Wheel is an invaluable tool to help organize the world of natural essences and link vocabulary to scent. It is a straightforward visual way to link scent experience to description, and to understand the relationships between scents and scent families.

Level 1 Workbook Oil Kit Level 1 Workbook and Oil Kit (combined)
Olfactory Training Workbook Aftelier Natural Perfume Wheel Aftelier Perfume Wheels - Set of 10